Tuesday, September 15, 2009

When Am I Ever Gonna Use This?

For many educators, web logs (blogs) are a new, misunderstood, and sometimes frightening prospect. However many of our students have been using blogging, in the form of social networking sites, for years. The idea of including a useful blog in the classroom can be a daunting task.
In a sophomore level Biology class, a blog can become an amazing tool for student engagement and learning. In my classroom, I plan to utilize blogging for a variety of tasks. The simplest use of my blog will be to update students and parents about what goes on in the classroom on a weekly basis, including examples of student work. This will give parents a window into what their child is studying, and it will give absent students at least a basic form of what content they missed. The more exciting aspects of my blog will include class discussions regarding some of the current issues surrounding life sciences. In the first semester we get to study the newly forming antibiotic resistance by bacteria. The students will have the opportunity to discuss what they know, what they have researched and what questions they still have about proper use or misuse of antibiotics. This will lead to a cooperative style learning and give every student the chance to be “heard” equally. I am also going to post links to websites that have online laboratory exercises, videos or review games that go along with the content we are studying. The Biology blog will allow the students to expand their learning outside of my classroom walls.


  1. Using the blog on a daily basis might become a hassle after a while or it might just become a good habit getting into. I do not know yet because I have not ever had a blog until right now. It would be a great way to inform students about some of the material that they missed. Also having the students’ parents able to see what is going on in the class is a great idea to incorporate parent involvement.

    Ultimately, as an educator our goal is to have our students want to learn outside of school and with the use of a blog this might just motivate them enough to get online to learn more about certain topics discussed in class.

  2. I love the idea of having videos posted to your blog. This will be a great way for students to interact with you and each other.

  3. My favorite part of your idea is sharing student samples with their parents who will then be allowed to visit the site as well. However, I was wondering, will you access your students on the site to be displayed as well or will it be plugged privately in your grade book? Also how many computers do you have in your room? What I might suggest is have the blog as a place for students to make their connections about science with their own life so that the work they post is not formal but rather more of a journal of some sort. However you plan on using it I am just wishing you luck and hope it does "fill the gap."

  4. Hi Max,
    I think a blog is a great place to update students and parents. That is my plan too. If you post examples of students' work are you going to include their names? I suppose that could be a source of pride or embarrassment. One of my daughter's teachers posts his class notes on his website so if you are absent you can print out what you missed. That would also be helpful for students who are not good note takers or who are not auditory learners. I like the idea that you plan to post links for students who want to learn more (enrichment) about the topic. Great idea!

  5. My department has 24 wireless laptops. We each keep six in our rooms and we often borrow from each other depending on the assignment.

    Students will have first names only posted on their assignments as per our district policy. We also must request parent permission before posting pictures or names.

    I do not know as of right now how well I will be able to keep the site updated. In the past our district has used school fusion class websites. I have used these for my A&P class as well as some history classes. I was able to keep a weekly post about the work completed throughout the week and I would also post homework and quizzes. It is a great tool, but it does not offer what a blog does; interaction of ideas. It is a one-way street from me to them.
