Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Voice Thread

The link above to view and listen to my voice thread regarding the use of cell phones and iPods in school. Please leave a comment and I will try to respond in a timely manner.


  1. Hi Max,
    Nice voice thread, this is such a new way of learning for me. Have you used voice threads in the past?

  2. Hi Max,

    I enjoyed your voicethread! I was wondering if you could give me an example of how you incorporate the use of cell phones in your lessons. I think that is an excellent idea and students would definitely buy into using "their" technology to help them learn.

  3. Diana,

    I have not even heard of voice thread before this assignment, but I am definately going to purchase a subscription next year and use it in my classroom. I enjoyed the ease with which I can create multimedia applications and there are so many possibilities.

  4. Lynne,

    I have done a few different assignments with cell phones in my classroom. The easiest is the use of open ended questions. I set up a free account on It gives you two options for setting up poll questions; multiple choice questions and open ended questions. I set up an open ended question regarding cell organelles. I showed the students the question on the SMART board and told them we were having a class discussion but there could be no talking. The students had to answer the question by texting their answer to the website. Their response shows up on the SMART board. I too would send text messages to keep the conversation going. My students loved it and we had an amazing discussion (in silence).

    The second way I have used cell phones in my classroom was during the same unit as the previous example. The students were required to make analogies between the function of cell organelles and everyday objects. The students were required to take pictures with their phone of an everyday object and send it to my e-mail. I printed the pictures off and the students glued those to a poster they had drawn of a skin cell. They drew lines from the organelle to the picture and wrote their analogy next to the picture. We then displayed the posters in the hallway.

    A third way I have used cell phones is during a Jeopardy style review game. The students worked in pairs or trios. I would post a question on the SMART board and the first group to text me the correct answer would earn the points for the question. Each subsequent group that was correct would earn half the point value of the question.

  5. Hi Max,

    Thanks for sharing these amazing ideas! Wow, I had no idea cell phones could be used this way! I middle school teachers used Senteo's, which are clickers that students use to enter their answers. I have only seen them used for multiple choice tests or Jeopardy like answers. I wonder if they could also be used as an open ended tool. Fascinating! Now I wish students in elementary school had cell phones. I would bet they would love this type of tool. Thanks again for sharing! Keep being innovative!
