Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The Finish Line

The GAME plan process has truly opened my eyes to a new and improved method for setting goals, being accountable, and achieving those goals. The clear and precise steps are an easy method for students to follow, and best of all, even easier for a teacher to monitor. I want to incorporate the GAME plan in my classroom through varying means. To begin, I want to use it as a way for my students to grow and undertake new tasks in my classroom. For instance, I was thinking about using it at the very beginning of the year to introduce students to my classroom. I would ask them to list specific challenges they face in remembering the people, places, ideas and cultures they have studied in previous social studies classes. With these lists, I will have my students begin to create an individual GAME plan to tackle one of those challenges. Together, I can individually monitor their progress much like the blogging in this class. I will have my students go through the process and blog about their experiences; this will also allow me to leave comments as needed.

Furthermore, as students become familiar with this plan, I will give them a list of the technology standards and indicators and have them identify their needs once more. I will help develop assignments that incorporate varying technologies so that students can work towards fulfilling their GAME plans. The main goal is for my students to become self-directed. “As in any self-directed learning activity, you need to set goals for your own professional growth, take action, then monitor and evaluate your progress toward obtaining your goals” (Cennamo, Ross, & Ertmer, 2009, p. 11). All of this can easily be achieved by utilizing the GAME plan.

At the same time, I am very interested in how my colleagues plan to utilize the GAME plan in their classrooms. If any of you have ideas, I would love to hear about them. I will definitely be perusing all of your blogs to learn more.


Max Mills

Cennamo, K., Ross, J., & Ertmer, P. (2009). Technology integration for meaningful classroom use. Mason, OH: Cengage Learning.


  1. Max,

    You have a really neat idea for your GAME plan usage. I think it is great to introduce your students to the concept of a GAME plan and help them create their own. Starting a new grade, with different expectations, can be intimidating and challenging for some students. By helping them create a GAME plan, you will help them overcome those fears/worries and help create students who have a purpose and goal. This is a great idea and I think I might just have to "borrow" this idea! :O) Good luck with your school year and usage of your GAME plan ideas.


  2. Max

    You brought up a point I hadn't thought about - utilizing this in other areas, not just technology. This could be done at the beginning of any content area unit to have students set goals for themselves and monitor their progress throughout the unit. They would be taking charge of their own learning. This would be a great way to introduce the GAME plan and it would really get them thinking about their own learning in a way that they may not have before.
