Wednesday, August 4, 2010

GAME Plan Evaluation

By creating a plan and moving towards my goals, I have already started developing new lessons. I have learned that even the smallest aspect of technology enriches my lessons tenfold. At this point, I still want to maintain the same goals because I still need to work on being a leader for my faculty by staying informed of new products and implementing them in my classroom as a living example. With technology changing at such an astronomical rate, I need to continue to strive to keep up with the latest trends. I know that this is going to be an ongoing process, and so I have to make sure that it becomes a continuous goal. However, at the same time, “You should focus on how to use technology to engage 21st-century learners, rather than on the technology itself” (Cennamo, Ross, & Ertmer, 2009, p. 192).

I will continue to extend my learning by employing my newly acquired knowledge in my classroom and sharing it with my colleagues. I will also make an effort to maintain my professional development through web seminars and other conferences.

The best way to improve my learning is through practice. I cannot be afraid to try new technologies within my classroom. I cannot get into a comfort zone or be satisfied with the status quo. I have to realize what benefits arise from my learning for my students. Technology is a way for me to peer into the minds of my students (Laureate, 2009a), and I need to continue to learn for their benefit, and I am excited about the possibilities.


Cennamo, K., Ross, J., & Ertmer, P. (2009). Technology integration for meaningful classroom use. Mason, OH: Cengage Learning.

Laureate Education, Inc. (Executive Producer). (2009a). Spotlight on technology part I. Social networking and online collaboration. Baltimore: Author


  1. That is so true. Comfort is another word for lazy. When teachers become comfortable with what they are teaching, they are not looking into what is out there to see what can change or be better. Not only can that be lazy, but it can also be a bit arrogant. No one knows everything. Teachers always have to be on their toes ready for what a student, visiting teacher or other source may show them. Anything could happen that would generate a new lesson or a new way to develop and deliver a lesson.

    I know, it happened to me when a principal I had a few years ago really drove me into the ground. I just did not know where to go. Only now am I getting back to full steam. Such a recovery takes time.

  2. Max,

    Thanks for a great blog post. I really like your comment, “I have learned that even the smallest aspect of technology enriches my lessons tenfold”. That comment really put things into perspective for me. I have been so worried about how to incorporate all of this technology into my school that doesn’t have the equipment. However, your comment gave me a sigh of relief. You are right… and I will just incorporate technology as much as I can, knowing that will help!

    I also liked your comment, “I cannot get into a comfort zone or be satisfied with the status quo.” I sat in a great writing workshop a few days ago! I was so excited to use the new ideas that I have learned! I started to discuss these ideas with an older teacher! She said, “this workshop was a waste of my time – I’m just going to continue to do what I always do”. At that moment, I made a vow to myself that I would never become that teacher! That goes for technology too! I want to continue to learn and implement new strategies and technologies into my classroom!

    Thanks for sharing!

  3. Max,
    You are right!! You need to remember to apply your learning to your classroom. Many times teachers and others will learn stuff but then not apply it to their teaching because they think it is overwhelming! Technology can easily fall into that category because it can be so overwhelming good for you remembering your classroom.!!
